Canadian Friends of Herzog Hospital was established to raise awareness and funds to support the work of Herzog Hospital in Israel. Over the past years, we have actively supported the building and renovating of the hospital in addition to developing new programs.
As a result of our commitment we have established The Beverly Minuk Unit for the Care of Brain Cancer Patients; The Dr. Bernard Ludwig Ethiopian Nurses’ Aides Scholarship; The Lily Silver Education Center; The Silver-Cooper Rehabilitation Wing; The Temmy and Albert Latner Israel Centre for the Treatment of Psychotrauma; The Dr. Sherryn Roth Cardiology Rehabilitation Care and Research Unit; The Dr. Stanley and Marilyn Greben Respiratory Unit; The Dr. Ricky Kanee Schachter Unit for the Enhancement of Wound Healing; The Doris M. Bloom Endowment Fund in Dermatology; and The Mary Blum Devor Unit for Children and Youth in Distress. Through the generosity of Mrs. Golda Koschitzky, of blessed memory, Herzog Hospital purchased the most advanced bone density machine to help in its treatment of those suffering from osteoporosis.
Most recently, The Dr. Paul Garfinkel Mental Health Program for Israel’s Immigrants was established, providing psychological counseling specifically geared to Ethiopian and Russian immigrants in their mother tongues. This marks an important improvement in the psychological support available to immigrants at Herzog Hospital’s Community Mental Health Center.
In Toronto, The Canadian Friends of Herzog Hospital has developed programs in partnership with The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care, and Mount Sinai Hospital. Herzog Hospital is a non-denominational center caring for children and adults from all socio-economic backgrounds and ethnicities.
To view the Herzog Hospital, Jerusalem website, please click here: