
Herzog’s Community Mental Health Center moves to a new location

Dear Friend of Herzog Hospital, Herzog’s Community Mental Health Center has moved from its long-time location in the  Sanhendria neighbourhood of Jerusalem to its new location in the Glassman Ambulatory Health Center on the Herzog Medical Center campus. The Mental Health Center treats the wide range of mental health challenges ranging from children with ADHD to adults suffering from depression, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and early-onset Alzheimer’s. It treats 2,000 people each month on an out-patient basis.  We are very proud to state that the five-storey Glassman Center was constructed entirely through donations from Canadian donors! The Glassman Center is also the new home of…

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Israel Minister Of Health Visits Herzog Hospital To Celebrate Hospital’s 127th Birthday

Nitzan Horowitz, Israel’s Minister of Health, visited Herzog Hospital to light candles for Hanukkah and to help celebrate Herzog Hospital’s 127th anniversary. The hospital was established in the Old City of Jerusalem on the fifth night of Hanukkah in 1894. Minister Horowitz acknowledged the hard work of Herzog’s staff: “I know that the work in the Hospital is not easy, especially during the Corona period, We are grateful that during the height of the pandemic, you admitted the largest number of patients of any…

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Stories From The New Comprehensive Rehabilitation Center In The Samson Pavilion At Herzog Hospital

Dear Friend of Herzog Hospital- We are proud to announce that Herzog’s Israel Center for the Treatment of Psychotrauma-Metiv has now relocated to the new Glassman Ambulatory PTSD and Health Center on Herzog’s growing campus. Thanks to an extraordinary donation from the Jewish National Fund in Canada, Herzog was able to construct this 5-floor facility. The Trauma Center will now be able to continue its exceptional and internationally recognized work in the field in a new modern building specifically designed to meet its…

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A Rosh Hashanah Message From Dr. Yehezkel Caine

Dear Friends, As the current Jewish Year draws to a close and we prepare to greet the New Year, it is only natural to reflect on the year gone by, the events both great and small, the friends we have made and, unfortunately, those we have lost. This past year has been very challenging, especially for those of us in the health care profession. COVID-19, which has ravaged the globe, has “reorganized” our priorities, sending us careening on a rollercoaster…

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The 3rd Vaccine & Herzog Hospital & Social Media

Dear Friend of Herzog Hospital, HERZOG HOSPITAL continues to be one of the leaders in the battle against Covid, as well as the new Delta variant. When the Delta stream hit, we were seeing a high percentage of elderly patients who already had received two vaccinations. This was because the effectiveness of the vaccine given over six months ago was wearing off, although the cases were not as serious as in previous waves. As well, we found that 26% of…

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Four-Minute Video Of HERZOG HOSPITAL’s New Rehabilitation Centre

Dear Friend of Herzog Hospital, This four-minute video of HERZOG HOSPITAL’s new Rehabilitation Centre highlights our successes in the field. In addition, HERZOG has recently opened the first post-COVID unit in Israel for those who have recovered from the illness, but who continue to require in-hospital care. This multi-disciplinary unit is providing continuing respiratory support, comprehensive physical and occupational therapy, and mental health care. HERZOG is recognized for excellence in all three of these areas. For example, the elderly lose 1/2% of their muscle…

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We Stand With The Jewish Community In The Face Of Anti-Semitism.

The Canadian Friends of Ezrath Nashim Herzog Hospital is honoured to be a signatory to the following very important statement. This statement appears as a full-page advertisement in the Toronto Star of Saturday, 5th June 2021. We stand proudly with the Canadian Jewish Community in the vile face of Anti-Semitism. Please help us to help Herzog Hospital during this extremely difficult time. Donate now

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The World Is Watching With Concern The Missile Barrages On Israel

Dear Friend of Herzog Hospital, The world is watching with concern the missile barrages on Israel. In response to these reprehensible and cowardly acts of violence, Herzog Hospital has rapidly opened a second department in our new Medical Pavilion to accept patients from hospitals in the south of Israel. This has been done to free up space to treat those wounded in the missile attacks in the south. Upon the request of Israel’s Ministry of Health, over 20 patients requiring…

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Help Save Lives In Israel

Dear Friends, There are currently 14,592 Israeli COVID-19 cases, with infections growing every day.  The Ministry of Health states that the country requires a minimum of 1,000 additional ventilators in order to be prepared for a potential surge in cases now or in the future.  Just this week, a man who was on a ventilator for over 2 weeks has now recovered and has been released from the hospital.   We are hoping to raise sufficient funds by May 5th to ensure lives…

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Israel President Reuven Ruvi Rivlin visited Herzog Hospital

A Great Honour!  The President of Israel, Reuven Ruvi Rivlin, recently visited Herzog Hospital in support of our #medicalheroes. “The prospect of snow didn’t stop us from going out to support the medical teams today at Jerusalem’s Herzog Hospital, working round the clock with elderly patients and the young on respiratory support to fight #coronavirus. It is our shared duty to protect and care for our elderly.” – President Rivlin Please help us to help Herzog Hospital during this extremely difficult time. Donate…

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