Herzog – Israel Center for the Treatment of Psychotrauma

The Trauma Center in Action
The current situation in Israel has made the role of our center abundantly clear. Operation Protective Edge had only just begun when we were asked to provide 1000 “Resilience Workbooks” for young children in the South. We are now printing 1500 additional copies of our workbook in Arabic, and have also provided the English workbook to groups in Jerusalem.

Our trauma hotline, which began running on the third day of the operation, is being advertised by all major Israeli television and radio stations. We have received calls from soldiers, elderly individuals who find it difficult to leave their homes, and parents who are worried about their children. We have also been receiving phone calls from people who were exposed to prior war-related trauma and are now seeking help for new anxiety and post-traumatic symptoms.

The Municipality of Jerusalem is using our services by both referring people to our hotline and by asking for interventions in areas of the city experiencing increased tensions. In addition, our staff members have been interviewed by local and international TV and radio stations, and have also provided radio interviews in Amharic for the Ethiopian community.

Let us hope and pray that this situation will be over soon, but we know that the real work will start after the dust settles. When this ends we plan to intensify our work with young children and their parents, particularly through our NAMAL program, which has been running in Sderot for the last nine years. We also hope to work with the reservists and soldiers who are part of the current operation and plan to intensify our services for the Ethiopian community.

We are grateful to all those who are helping us in these trying times, and there are currently several projects that are in urgent need of funding:

1. Mother-Child Groups (NAMAL) (cost of a full group: $7500)
2. METIV Treatment Fund (cost of full treatment: $1600 [20 sessions] )
3. Groups for children to strengthen their Emotion Regulation (BEAR) (cost of a group of 8 sessions: $4800)
Thank you for your continued support.

Prof. Danny Brom

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