Dear Friend,
We hope that you and your family are well during these uncertain times.
As of this writing, there are just under 15,000 confirmed cases of Covid-19 in Israel, and the need for ventilators is enormous.
For this reason, we are thrilled that JNF Canada is mounting an Emergency Campaign to purchase new ventilators. Three hospitals in Israel will be the beneficiaries of this campaign, and we are extremely grateful that one of the three will be our own Herzog Hospital! Herzog has been chosen in view of the fact that it is the largest ventilator centre in Israel and therefore has
staff trained in their use.
The cost of each ventilator is approximately $37,000 Canadian.
We would greatly appreciate it if you could click on to the button “DONATE NOW” to make your donation to JNF’s fund for ventilators.
Any and all donations will be so gratefully appreciated, by those who will benefit most: our brethren in Israel.
Thank you for your support in these unprecedented times.
With our kindest regards, and best wishes,
Dr. Yehezkel Caine,
Director-General and Chief Executive Officer,
Herzog Hospital, Jerusalem.